Frequently Asked Question

Russia Registration Process
Last Updated 2 years ago

Please note registration towards Russia is subjected to fees as below. Kindly coordinate with account manager and get back to us if you wish to proceed further for Russia.

  • Registration ETA: Current lead time 14 days
  • Registration Fees: MTS, Megafon, MOTIV, and Yota. Initial fee of 2500 EUR and Monthly fee of 50 EUR for each alpha.
Alphanumeric Sender ID Yes 11 characters maximum and 3 minimum. Must contain letters, Latin only. Numeric digits allowed but not at the beginning. A single blank space allowed. But other special characters not supported. Only Branded Alpha Sender IDs are allowed. Generic Alpha Sender IDs are not allowed.
Long Number Yes Reply to MSISDN listed in SMS.
Short Code Yes Direct reply.
2-Way Yes
Number Portability Yes
Supported Types OTP, ARN and MKT OPT: One Time Passwords. ARN: Alerts, Reminders, Notifications. MKT: Marketing.
Encoding & MT Length *GSM: Single Message 160 & Long Message 153 per MT *GSM is the predominant character encoding
Unicode: Single Message 70 & Long Message 67 per MT
ASCII: Single Message 160 & Long Message 153 per MT
Latin-1: Single Message 140 & Long Message 134 per MT
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