Frequently Asked Question

Jio Template Registration and Upload Guide
Last Updated 2 years ago

  1. Login to Jio’s Portal as Principal Entity using your user credentials
  2. Click on “Customer’s Consent” tab present on the homepage and select “Bulk upload” option on drop-down list


  3. To view the file format in which the consent file should be uploaded, please follow the instructions below:


    • The allowed File Format is .CSV and should not be more than 2Mb (Approximately 45000 records).
    • The “Consent Template_ID” field in the consent file to be uploaded should be Converted to a text format before uploading.
    • Steps to convert to text format:
    • Enter Consent Template Id
    • Add an apostrophe before the Id('1208xxxxxxxxxx') and click Enter.
    • Before Uploading make sure Consent_Template_Id is not in exponential form(1.20816E+18) or else records will get failed.
    • The accepted date format in the file is DD-MM-YYYY (Records with Consent Acquisition date before 6 months and a future date will not be accepted).
    • Once the consent file is uploaded, you can view the details of your uploaded consent in the consent summary tab.
  4. To upload your file, click on the browse option.
  5. Once the file is selected, click on the upload option.


  6. On successful upload, a success message will be displayed on the screen.

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